End of Semester Update:
So, the semester is almost over! I cannot believe that tomorrow will be our last exam and then we have a break to relax and unwind (thank goodness). I have been spending waaaay too much time and money at Starbucks studying and luckily I have yet to have a MI (although there is still time lol). After reflecting upon this first semester, I really cannot believe how much I have learned about pharmacology and what medications to use for what diseases/common ailments. You don't really realize how much you have learned until one of your friends are sick and you can tell them how their cold medication works or what antihistamines will make them sleepy or not and you just start rambling off mechanisms of action and side effects. Then you realize that every time a family member is sick they start calling you and asking what medications would work or would this new medication they are on be causing these side effects and you have to tell them, well, I think it could be this, but I am not a doctor yet so you should probably just call them haha. Not only is it awesome to be able to understand so much more about how drugs work, but to be able to apply this to everyday life is pretty awesome as well!
Overall, this semester has been a busy transition from the move down to New Orleans, to adjusting to being in school again after a few years of working at Mass General after receiving my BS, but it has been really worthwhile. I have met some amazing people in this program and made some great friends and have been able to give back to the community along the way. Some goals for next semester are to try and get out more and enjoy New Orleans! Now that I am settled in and have one semester almost in the books, I want to explore and enjoy the city :).
Total Community Service Hours:
Habitat for Humanity: 8 hours a day..3 times this semester: total 24 hours
Volunteering at ACS Ball: 4 hours
Autism Speaks Walk: 2 hours
Total Semester Volunteering hours: 30